A social network for the international community of Madeira
The Aims and Objectives of the M3A
can be summarised as follows:
How does it work?
All activities are self-financing (see below).
Outings are undertaken on a ‘pay-as-you-go’ basis.
For events hosted in a home, a small charge payable to the host for any materials or refreshments provided may be required.
The M3A information service is funded by contributions from Subscribers and managed by a small admin team. No-one gets paid; everyone is a volunteer!
Subscribers’ contributions are used to cover the website, admin, advertising and any other costs incurred by the Admin team in promoting the various activities.
Self-funding guidelines for activity hosts.
M3A activities are self-financed. The intention behind an activity is not to make a profit but the host should not be out of pocket. If the meeting is held in someone’s home, a simple charge for coffee etc. is acceptable. For external events/meetings, as a general principle any expenses, including room/equipment hire incurred, should be shared equally by those participating and the hosts should make this clear to participants.
M3A Mission Statement
The M3A is an informal group of friends from primarily, but not exclusively, the senior members of the international community whose aim is to enrich life in Madeira by fostering social activities and new personal challenges.
The M3A is inspired by the principles of the U3A (University of the Third Age) in that social and new learning activities are scheduled and hosted by individuals within the group of friends on a voluntary basis. Activities in Madeira may be (without limitation);
outings to restaurants, museums, theatres
indoor activities (book clubs, etc)
outdoor activities (walking, swimming, fishing etc)
learning and lectures for new skills or general interest
supporting the local community as occasion arises.
The role of the M3A is to facilitate such activities through promotion and the provision of information about planned activities, by means of a website, regular emails to all those interested and other means as considered appropriate. The aim is to reach out to all those living on Madeira, full or part-time, who want to increase their circle of friends and engage in new activities. These facilities are funded solely through contributions from Subscribers.